Create A Report
This article covers all the basics of creating, editing, deleting and managing your reports.
How to create a report
Using the web app:
To create a report on the Expensify website, click the New Report button on the Reports page.
Using the mobile app:
Tap the ☰ icon. Tap Reports. Tap the + icon. Choose your desired report type.
How to edit a report
Adding expenses to a report
You can add expenses to the report by clicking Add Expenses at the top of the report.
Removing expenses from a report on the Expensify web app
To remove expenses from the report on the web app, click the red ❌ next to the expense.
Removing expenses from a report on the Expensify mobile app
To remove an expense on an Android device, hold the expense and tap Delete.
To remove an expense on an iOS device, swipe the expense to the left and tap Delete.
Editing the report title
To edit the report title, click the pencil icon next to the name. To save your changes, tap the enter key on your keyboard.
Note: You may be unable to edit your reports’ titles based on the settings.
Bulk-editing expenses on a report
Click Details in the top-right of the report on the web app, then click the pencil icon to bring up the editing modal. You can click the pencil icon to the left of an expense to edit it, or you can edit multiple expenses at once by ticking the checkbox of the expenses you’d like to bulk-edit and then clicking Edit Multiple at the top of the modal.
Commenting on the report
You can comment on the report by adding your comment to the Report Comments section at the bottom. Expensify will also log report actions here.
If you’d like to attach a photo or document to the report, follow the instructions below to add the attachment to your report comment section.
Using the web app:
- Click the Paperclip icon in the comment box of the Report Comments section.
- Select the file to attach.
- Check the preview of the attachment and click Upload.
Using the mobile app:
- Tap into the report.
- Scroll to the bottom of the report and tap the paper clip icon to attach a file.
Note: Report comments support jpeg, jpg, png, gif, csv, and pdf files.
Changing the report’s workspace
To change the report’s workspace, click Details in the top-right of the report on the web app, then select the correct workspace from the Workspace drop-down.
Changing the report type (Expense Report/Invoice)
To change the report type, click Details in the top-right of the report on the web app, then select the correct report type from the Type drop-down.
Changing the layout of the report
There are three ways you can change the report layout under the Details section of the report. To do this, select the desired layout from the relevant drop-down menu:
- View - Choose between a Basic or Detailed report view.
- Group By - Choose to group expenses on the report based on their Category or Tag.
- Split By - Split out the expenses based on their Reimbursable or Billable status.
How to submit a report
- Click Submit in the top-left of the report (or Submit Report at the top in the mobile app).
- Verify the approver and click Submit again.
How to retract your report (Undo Submit)
As long as the report is still in a Processing state, you can retract this submission to put the report back to Draft status to make corrections and re-submit.
To retract a Processing report on the web app, click the Undo Submit button at the upper left-hand corner of the report.
To complete this from the mobile app, simply open the report from within your app and click the Retract button at the top of the report.
How to share a report
Click Details in the top-right of the report on the web app to bring up the sharing settings. The following options are available:
- Click the Printer icon to print the report.
- Click the Download icon to download a PDF of the report
- Click the Share icon to share the report via email or SMS.
How to close a report
You can close your report if you don’t need it approved by your employer.
To close a report on the Expensify website:
- Navigate to the report in question.
- Click Mark as Closed at the top of the report.
- You can re-open a report once it’s closed by clicking Undo Close at the top of the report.
How to delete a report
Deleting a report on the web app:
Click Details in the top-right of the report on the web app, then click the Trash icon to delete the report. Any expenses on the report will move to an Unreported state.
Deleting a report on the mobile app:
To delete a Draft report on an Android, press and hold the report name and tap Delete.
To delete a Draft report on an iOS device, go to the Reports screen, swipe the report to the left, and tap Delete.
Deleting a report in the Processing, Approved, Reimbursed or Closed state:
If you want to delete a Processing or Closed report, please follow the How to undo your report submission instructions in this article to move the report back into an Draft status, then follow the steps above.
If you want to delete an Approved or Reimbursed report, please speak to your Company Admin as this may not be possible.
How to move expenses between reports
Navigate to your Expenses page. Tick the checkbox next to each expense you’d like to move. Click the Add To Report button in the top right corner. Select your desired report from the drop-down.
How to use Guided Review to clean up your report
Open your report on the web app and click Review at the top. The system will walk you through each violation on the report. As you go through each violation, click View to look at the expense in more detail or resolve any violations. Click Next to move on to the next item. Click Finish to complete the review process when you’re done.
Is there a difference between Expense Reports, Bills, and Invoices?
Expense Reports are submitted by an employee to their employer. They contain either personally incurred expenses that the employee should be reimbursed for, or non-reimbursable expenses (such as company card expenses) incurred by the employee that require tracking for accounting purposes.
Invoices are reports that a business or contractor will send to another business to charge them for goods or services the business received. Each invoice will have a matching Bill owned by the recipient so they may use it to pay the invoice sender.
Which report type should I use?
If you bought something on a company card or need to be reimbursed by your employer, you’ll need an Expense Report.
If someone external to the business sends you an invoice for their services, you’ll want a Bill (or even better - use our Bill Pay process)
When should I submit my report?
Your Company Admin can answer this one, and they may have configured the workspace’s [Scheduled Submit] setting to enforce a regular cadence for you. If not, you can still set this up under your [Individual workspace].