Individual Users
If you’re an individual using Expensify, the Track and Submit plans are designed to assist self-employed users in effectively managing both their personal and business finances.
How to use the Track plan
The Track plan is tailored for solo Expensify users who don’t require expense submission to others. Individuals or sole proprietors can choose the Track plan to customize their Individual Workspace to align with their personal expense tracking requirements.
You can select the Track plan from the Workspace settings. Navigate to Settings > Workspace > Individual > [Workspace Name] > Plan to select Track. You can also do this from the Pricing page at
The Track plan includes a predefined set of categories designed to align with IRS Schedule C expense categories. However, you have the flexibility to add extra categories as needed. For a more detailed breakdown, you can also set up tags to create another layer of coding.
The Track plan offers 25 free SmartScans per month. If you require more than 25 SmartScans, you can upgrade to a Monthly Individual subscription at a cost of $4.99 USD per month.
How to use the Submit plan
The Submit plan is designed for individuals who need to keep track of their expenses and share them with someone else, such as their boss, accountant, or even a housemate. It’s specifically tailored for single users who want to both track and submit their expenses efficiently.
You can select the Track plan from the Workspace settings. Navigate to Settings > Workspaces > Individual > [Workspace Name] > Plan to select “Submit” or from the Pricing page at
You will select who your expenses get sent to under Settings > Workspace > Individual > [Workspace Name] > Reports. If the recipient already has an Expensify account, they’ll be able to see the report directly in the Expensify app. Otherwise, non-Expensify users will receive a PDF copy of the report attached to the email so it can be processed.
The Submit plan includes a predefined set of categories designed to align with IRS Schedule C expense categories. However, you have the flexibility to add extra categories as needed. For a more detailed breakdown, you can also set up tags to create another layer of coding.
The Submit plan offers 25 free SmartScans per month.If you require more than 25 SmartScans, you can upgrade to a Monthly Individual subscription at a cost of $4.99 USD per month.
Who should use the Track plan?
An individual who wants to store receipts, look to track spending by category to help with budgeting and a self-employed user who needs to track receipts and mileage for tax purposes.
Who should use the Submit plan?
An individual who seeks to utilize the features of the track plan to monitor their expenses while also requiring the ability to submit those expenses to someone else.
How can I keep track of personal and business expenses in the same account?
You have the capability to create distinct “business” and “personal” tags and assign them to your expenses for proper categorization. By doing so, you can effectively code your expenses based on their nature. Additionally, you can utilize filters to ensure that you only view the expenses that are relevant to your specific needs, whether they are business-related or personal.
How can I export expenses for tax purposes?
From the expense page, you have the option to select all of your expenses and export them to a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file. This CSV file can be conveniently imported directly into your tax software for easier tax preparation.